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High Low Bet: A Quick Overview

The high low bet in roulette is a straightforward wagering option available to players. This bet allows you to place your chips on either the low group of numbers (1-18) or the high group of numbers (19-36). It's categorized as an 'outside bet' due to its positioning on the outer sections of the roulette table layout. The appeal of the high\low (18-36) bet lies in its simplicity and the decent probability of winning it offers, almost a 50/50 chance, discounting the 0 or 00 slots which give the house its edge. Here's a quick comparison for understanding the bet better:



Coefficients for version 0

Odds for version 00


Expected Cost (1 euro)

High Low Bet



1 to 1

-0.027 (Euro)

Application of the Bet in Strategy

Implementing the high/low roulette bets into a roulette strategy can be both effective and straightforward, making it ideal for beginners and experienced players alike. The essence of incorporating this bet into your strategy is to capitalize on its nearly even odds, allowing for a conservative yet potentially rewarding approach.

One popular strategy involves the use of a betting system like the Martingale, where you double your bet after a loss, aiming to recover lost bets and gain a profit once you win. For example, if you start with a €1 bet on high bet and lose, you would then bet €2 on high for the next spin. This strategy continues until you win, after which you return to your initial bet amount. However, it's crucial to be aware of table limits and your bankroll, as this method can become risky over an extended losing streak.

Another strategy might involve betting on both high and low but in different proportions. For instance, placing a larger bet on high numbers and a smaller insurance bet on low numbers. This approach attempts to cover more outcomes, although it requires careful balance to ensure profitability.

Additionally, some players prefer to combine high/low bets with other outside bets, such as red or black, to further diversify their betting pattern and manage risk. It's essential to remember, however, that no strategy can overcome the house edge in the long run, so these methods should be used with caution and for entertainment.


What is the advantage of choosing high low bets in roulette?

The primary advantage of high low bets is their simplicity and the relatively high probability of winning compared to more specific bets like straight-up numbers. With nearly a 50% chance of winning (disregarding the house slots, 0 or 00), these bets are a solid choice for those looking to play a more conservative game or for beginners who are still getting acquainted with roulette betting options.

Are high low bets the best strategy for beginners?

High low bets can be an excellent starting point for beginners due to their simplicity and the lower risk involved. They allow new players to get involved in the game without having to understand the more complex betting patterns or strategies initially. Over time, players can then explore combining high/low bets with other types of wagers as they become more comfortable with the game.

How does the presence of 0 or 00 affect high low bet outcomes?

The presence of 0 (in European roulette) or 0 and 00 (in American roulette) gives the house its edge and affects the probability of winning a high low bet. Since these slots do not fall into either the high or low categories, they reduce the winning odds slightly below 50%. This is why the expected cost of a 1 euro bet isn't zero; the house edge is always at play.

Can using high low bets improve your long-term winnings?

While high low bets offer a nearly even chance of winning on each spin, they are subject to the same house edge as any other roulette bet. Over the long term, the casino always has an advantage, and no betting pattern or strategy can overcome this edge. High low bets can help manage your bankroll and potentially extend your playtime, but they should not be seen as a way to secure consistent profits. © 2024 All Rights Reserved.